Welcome to the home of
professional movement directors
working in theatre, opera, film, TV
and allied performance arts
Photo by Manuel Harlan
The Movement Directors' Association is an artist-led network that celebrates the work of movement directors and elevates their voices.
Our mission is to create better working conditions by promoting a deeper understanding of our contribution within the profession.
We are connecting a thriving community and representing our collective artistic interests.
Moving together, thriving together

Photo by Manuel Harlan
Movement Director's Survey 2020
In a joint initiative, the MDA and Equity have undertaken the first ever survey of the field of movement direction in the UK.
Never has it been more critical for movement directors to be part of shaping the future landscape, as the industry reconstructs in the face of the global pandemic.
The survey will build a picture of the field, set the agenda for the MDA and help make the case for better working conditions and standards.
The findings are currently being analysed and will be shared in due course.
Thank you for taking part!

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